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Offering Automated Construction of Various Types of Structures

Detached Houses

Multi-Story Buildings

Multi-Unit Large Structures

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Building Automated Construction

Contour Crafting® can significantly reduce the cost of commercial construction. Projections indicate costs will be around one fifth as much as conventional construction. Contour Crafting® promises to eliminate waste of construction materials. Contour Crafting® construction projects will be extremely accelerated; for example a 2000 square foot house can be constructed in less than 24 hours. This rapid construction time minimizes the financing costs of construction projects that typically take six months or longer to complete. While the costs of manual labor will be significantly reduced, physical power will be exchanged for brain power in the construction industry. For the first time women and the elderly will be able to take part in the construction industry. Construction could become a consumer market, wherein a house or other structure could be designed and built by the family that will occupy it. Reduced costs, and automated building will make construction accessible to anyone. Imagine a Contour Crafting® machine for lease at your local Home Depot.

Automated Reinforcement, Plumbing and Electrical Network Installation

Contour Crafting® Prototype Machines and Full Size Curved Wall Construction

CC Corp’s revolutionary technologies use modern robotics to build custom designed houses in a few hours. At the present time, the technology would be most useful for low-income housing and emergency reconstruction by disaster relief agencies working in places devastated by earthquakes, floods, wars, and other natural disasters. Followings are some of the major advantages of CC Corp technologies for building construction:

Fact: It currently takes 6 to 9 months to construct an average house in the US.

  • Imagine custom designed houses completed in one day.

Fact: Nearly 30 million S. households face one or more of the following housing problems: cost burdens, overcrowding, and space inadequacy. Worldwide, while large cities in developing countries have been growing at rates nearing 5% per year, slums and squatter settlements have been growing nearly twice as fast.

  • Imagine dignified but affordable housing constructed for low income populations.

Fact: Currently it may take several months or years before disaster (earthquake, flood, war, etc.) victims are placed in permanent shelters.

  • Imagine comfortable and livable emergency shelters (not tents) constructed rapidly for long term usage by disaster victims.

Fact: Construction accounts for a significant amount of various harmful emissions and construction activities generate an exorbitant amount of waste. Construction of a typical single-family home generates a waste stream of about 3 to 7 tons. In terms of resource consumption, more than 40% of all raw materials used globally are consumed in the construction industry.

  • Imagine construction without waste and without noise, dust and emission pollution.

Fact: Labor injuries and fatalities happen frequently at construction sites. 400,000 workers get seriously injured or killed in construction annually in the US alone, a country in which stringent safety codes are regulated.

  • Imagine no accidents and injuries on construction sites – no related litigations.

Fact: Any departure from standard designs (e.g., use of curvilinear features instead of straight walls) significantly increases the cost of conventional construction.

  • Imagine new architectural designs giving new appearances to our homes, neighborhoods and cities.

Implementation of this technology in the United States may be initially complicated by prevailing policies that regulate labor, zoning, and land costs. Nevertheless, the availability of this new technology has the potential to change the building industry in the United States. For Californians, it can the solution to homelessness, and an emergency solution when the “big one” comes. The impact of the Contour Crafting® technology will be significant, given the current US construction-related expenditures which total $300 billion in the public sector and $700 billion in the for-profit sector, annually.

The following table summarizes the economic impact of construction automation by Contour Crafting® in the developed countries. In the developing countries the proportion of the cost of labor is lower while that of material cost is higher. Regardless, as demonstrated by the success of other advanced construction equipment (as those used for road construction) even in the least developed countries major construction projects use advanced construction technologies because of higher productivity, higher safety, and less construction logistics and project management complexities that modern technologies offer.

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